Since 1975, Mpact offers solutions to do more with less: a history marked by many milestones.
Taxistop becomes Mpact
Taxistop continues its journey as Mpact. The organisation stays the same, but by changing the name, our organisation is ready for the future!
Shared Mobility Rocks - around the clock
Shared Mobility Rocks is an international (un)symposium with rocking vibes. Because of the Covid-19 crisis, a third physical event was not possible. Taxistop and Autodelen.net rethought the concept and created an online 24-hours marathon. They worked together with studios in every continent: Ghent, Brussels, Leeds, Lima, Chicago, Melbourne, Phnom Penh, Tokyo, Kampala and Lviv.
Mobihubs in Brussels
Taxistop introduces Mobihubs in the Brussels Capital Region, by collaborating with the municipality Anderlecht. A mobihub is a physical place where different, mainly transport-related, services are offered together. Mobihubs are designed to enable multimodal transport at the neighbourhood level.
Cozycar becomes Cozywheels
From 2020, Taxistop supports not only private persons, but also organisations to share (cargo) bikes, cars, vans and wheelchair friendly cars. Therefore, the name became Cozywheels.
Mobihubs in Wallonia
Taxistop launches the first mobihub (point mob) in the French speaking part of Belgium, together with the city of Wavre.
Launch Mobipunt vzw
To support the Flemish region in their plan to create 1.000 mobihubs, Taxistop, together with Autodelen.net and Infopunt Publieke Ruimte established a new association called Mobipunt vzw.
The name for our on-demand transport service for elderly becomes Mobitwin in Wallonia. Via this service, elderly people request a ride offered by our network of voluntary drivers.
Shared Mobility Rocks
First edition of the unconventional conference, organised by Taxistop and Autodelen.net
Mobitwin in Brussels
Taxistop creates a regional Mobitwin desk to offer social transport in the 19 municipalities of the Brussels Capital Region.
Green Deal Shared Mobility
Together with Autodelen.net and the Flemish government, Taxistop launched the Green Deal Shared Mobility: a pledge to achieve 4 smart objectives for bike-sharing, car-sharing and carpooling in Flanders. More than 100 signatories start to launch activities to reach these goals.
Taxistop and Autodelen.net introduce the concept of mobihubs in Flanders. In 2018, the first mobihub is inaugurated by the City of Deinze.
Taxistop supports enterprises by offering its carpool app, and in 2016 adds a multimodal registration tool for employees. Employees can register their journeys with an app or website and can therefore get incentives for their real transport behaviour.
Olympus Mobility
Together with cambio and VAB, Taxistop creates the company Olympus Mobility, who will offer the first MaaS (Mobility-as-a-Service)-app in Belgium. Olympus Mobility offers its tool mainly B2B.
Taxistop incorporates Cozycar (Autopia in 2012) as a service in Wallonia to develop car-sharing amongst private individuals.
First ShareFest
First ShareFest in cooperation with Autodelen.net in Ghent.
“Less Mobile Center” in Brussels and Wallonia
Launch of the first Less Mobile Centers in Jette (Brussels) and Houyet (Wallonia).
Start cambio
The first cambio car is located in Namur (Wallonia). One year later in Brussels, and in 2004 also in Ghent (Flanders). To start the activities, Taxistop created a unique partnership with the three regional public transport companies TEC, STIB and De Lijn. Each becomes a shareholder of the regional cambio section.
In a partnership with Cambio Mobilitätsservice gmbh (Duitsland), Taxistop creates the NV Optimobil, futur Optimobil Belgium, with VAB and SNCB/NMBS as shareholders. Optimobil will develop car-sharing in Belgium under the commercial name ‘cambio’.
Launch of a carpool tool to events: Eventpool. This platform will be integrated in Carpool in 2018.
Traject, a research office for mobility
In cooperation with vzw Langzaam Verkeer and the Dutch association TC&O, Taxistop creates Traject, a research office for mobility.
Holiday-sitting is created. People going on holiday are put in contact with voluntary home-sitters who take care of the house, garden and pets while they are on holiday.
Bed&Breakfast guide Benelux
Creation of the first Bed&Breakfast guide for the Benelux.
Start of a partnership with the network Homelink for the organization of the exchange of houses at an international level.
Launch of Airstop
Launch of Airstop with the objective to fill, last minute, empty seats on airplanes. In 1988 Airstop became independent.
Schoolpool is born
A first version is developed for a test in 150 schools in Ghent. In 2011 the Schoolpool project was updated for the action «Printemps de la mobilité» in Wallonia.
Less Mobile Center
The Less Mobile Center is launched in Flanders. The centre is locally managed, usually by a local municipality.
Start in Brussels and Wallonia
Establishment of “Taxistop Francophone”, today Mpact asbl, to develop activities in Brussels and Wallonia.
Launch of Carpool
Unlike hitch-hiking, driver and passenger get in touch before the trip to arrange the place and time of the agreement. The matching is made through a database on paper. In 1982, Taxistop developed an IT-system to do the matching. In 1998, with the boom of the internet, Carpool was directly accessible on every home PC and today via an app.
Start of secure hitch-hiking
Hitch-hikers who belong to the Taxistop community receive a sign to identify themselves on public roads. They pay their driver 1 Belgian franc per kilometre. After a while, stops are put in place where passengers can wait for a potential driver.
Creation of the organisation CPA (Center for Positive Application), later Taxistop vzw, today Mpact. This organisation operates in Flanders.