
Mpact has offices in Ghent, Brussels and Gembloux. Our helpdesk gladly answers all your questions. We are available by phone, online and at the office.


Office Ghent

K.M. Hendrikaplein 65B, 9000 Gent

+32 9 242 32 10
BTW BE 0415.131.393

Opening hours:
Monday to Friday: 10h – 17h00

Google maps
Kantoor project team Gent

Office Project Team Ghent

Fabiolalaan 7, 9000 Gent

+32 9 242 32 10
BTW BE 0415.131.393

Opening hours:
Monday to Friday: 10h – 17h00

Google maps

Office Brussels

Theresianenstraat 7, 1000 Brussel

+32 2 227 93 01
BTW BE 0421.220.916

Opening hours:
Monday to Friday: 10h – 17h00

Google maps

Office Project Team Brussels

Boomkwekerijstraat 10A, 1000 Brussels

+32 2 227 93 01
BTW BE 0421.220.916

Opening hours:
Monday to Friday: 10h – 17h00

Google maps
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Office Gembloux

Rue Buisson St Guibert 1B, 5030 Gembloux

+32 81 62 50 98
BTW BE 0421.220.916

Opening hours:
Monday to Friday: 10h – 17h00

Google maps