
Mpact is thrilled to announce that the Interreg North Sea, Shared Mobility for All project, has made it to the finals of the prestigious Interreg Slam competition! This annual communication contest celebrates the best stories from Interreg projects and programs, showcasing how cooperation and solidarity among regions can lead to remarkable achievements.

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Mpact calls for a similar carpooling plan for Belgium. Needless to say that Mpact - offering a carpool platform in Belgium - is enthusiastic about the 150 million euro France is investing in ridesharing."Carpooling has the potential to significantly reduce the resource consumption of our transport...
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From October to December 2021, ATCT challenged students from Belgium and abroad to reconsider their travel experiences on and to their campus and make them futureproof. Very necessary, according to our own research. More than 100 students worked on this challenge with FACES (For everyone, Autonomous, Connected, Electric, Shared) as a thread through their ideas. 20 teams submitted an idea. From a shortlist of 10 teams, 4 teams were chosen by our team and 1 team by a public vote who could join us for the final event.

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