If your New Year’s resolutions are to have more sustainable mobility in your municipality, read this blog. (Thanks us later.)
A sustainable urban mobility plan (SUMP) is a very good tool to realize a serious impact in the cities. We believe that shared mobility should be part of every SUMP.
Are millennials thinking in the same way on mobility as others? Mpact is involved in the development of an urban multi-modal transportation app with the integration of carpooling. We asked some feedback to students from KULeuven-Campus Brussels.
After more than a year of recruiting companies, drafting plans of actions and finally getting carpool-promotion done, there are moments I hope to relive many times more.
The driverless car is arriving. Soon, joining the daily traffic jams will be a lot more enjoyable. Traffic jams could also disappear. The use of cars can be much more effective if we make best use of the technology and available data. The self-driving car has the potential to dramatically change our mobility. But who decides which direction we go?