Shared Mobility Solutions for a Liveable and Low-Carbon North Sea Region
So, what’s it all about?
The Interreg North Sea Region Project “SHARE-North” includes activities for developing, implementing, promoting and assessing car sharing, bike sharing, ride sharing and other forms of shared mobility in urban and rural areas and employment clusters. Living labs will integrate modern technology with activities to support changes in mobility behaviour.
The objectives of the project are manifold: resource efficiency, improving accessibility (incl. non-traditional target groups), increased efficiency in the use of transport infrastructure, reduction of space consumption for transport, improving quality of life and low carbon transport. A strong partnership of public authorities, NGOs and research institutions from the North Sea Region is supplemented by numerous supporting organisations including the OECD International Transport Forum. The partnership stands for transnational cooperation, which is necessary for creating political support, and represents a high level of innovation as shared mobility is not yet widely employed as a part of integrated transport strategies.
What’s Mpact’s role?
Mpact has many common activities with Autodelen.net in Flanders. The main activities in this project are:
- The promotion and development of mobility hubs and the develoment of a mobihub dashboard and API.
- A collaboration with the Flemish governement and more than 100 stakeholders for the Green Deal Shared Mobility
- The organisation of Shared Mobility Rocks.
- The integration of carpooling into MaaS
The consortium
SHARE-North is an INTERREG V NorthSea-project coordinated by the City of Bremen. The other consortium partners are: the city of Bergen (Norway), the Lund University(Sweden), SESTran (Scotland), West-Yorkshire Combined Authority (England), Advier (the Netherlands), COMO_UK (England), Autodelen.net (Belgium) and Leiedal (Belgium).
Mpact receives cofunding if the province of East-Flanders.