Green Deal Shared Mobility
Inspired by the Dutch Green Deal on car-sharing,, Mpact, The Shift and The New Drive took the initiative to launch a Green Deal Shared Mobility with the Flemish Government. The Green Deal Shared Mobility is a partnership of many different organisations who are willing to undertake actions and to remove barriers to provide alternatives to car ownership.
The official launch of this Green Deal took place on the 27th of March 2017. The agreement was signed by 80 partners on the one hand and Flemish ministers Joke Schauvliege, Ben Weyts and Bart Tommelein on the other. A second signing moment took place a year later at the Shared Mobility Rocks symposium. 23 new partners signed this Green Deal. The signatories together realize 639 concrete actions to contribute to the 4 general objectives by 2021!
The Green Deal has four general objectives
By 2021:
- the number of car sharers has increased to 80.000;
- the number of employers undertaking actions to support carpooling to work has doubled to 1.000;
- the number of bike sharers has doubled to 400,000;
- the number of shared electric cars is 5 times higher than today and there is a regular offer of shared electric bikes.
More info?
The concrete approach, a list of the various signatories, the actions and the different working groups can all be found on
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