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SHARE-North webinar – Promoting shared mobility


Having difficulty making sense of the complex world of shared mobility? You’re in luck! In 2021, SHARE-North published a guide specifically for planners and municipal decision makers to make the galaxy of shared mobility a bit easier to understand! To accompany the publishing of the guide, we are offering a series of webinars on the...


SHARE-North webinar – Defining shared mobility policies


Having difficulty making sense of the complex world of shared mobility? You’re in luck! In 2021, SHARE-North published a guide specifically for planners and municipal decision makers to make the galaxy of shared mobility bit easier to understand! To accompany the publishing of the guide, we are offering a series of webinars on the fundamental...


(Dutch event) Mpact Sessie – Gedragsverandering


Ons gedrag bestaat voor 95% uit gewoontes. Slik. Gelukkig is verandering mogelijk. Tijdens deze Mpact Sessie over gedragsverandering bieden we steden en gemeenten concrete handvaten om een ander mobiliteitsgedrag bij hun inwoners teweeg te brengen, weg van gewoonte om de privéwagen te nemen. Eerst schetst Herman Konings (nXt) de algemene principes van gedragsverandering, onder andere...


SHARE-North webinar – The future of shared mobility


Having difficulty making sense of the complex world of shared mobility? You’re in luck! In 2021, SHARE-North published a guide specifically for planners and municipal decision makers to make the galaxy of shared mobility bit easier to understand! To accompany the publishing of the guide, we are offering a series of webinars on the fundamental...


Mpact at Autonomy Paris

France Porte De Versailles, Paris, France

Meet us at Autonomy Paris, the world’s leading mobility trade show, March 16-17. We will be involved in a session about Data Standardisation with La Fabrique des Mobilités and a session about the European Shared Mobility Accelerator  (, with the "Association des Acteurs de l'Autopartage". Besides that, there will be a keynote from our colleague...

Market Consultation – Mobipoint X Shared Mobility Providers


The transport sector is responsible for around 25% of energy-related greenhouse gas emissions worldwide.
As a shared mobility provider you might want to contribute to the development of Mobipoints in Wallonia.
This event aims to present the projects, but also to learn more about your expectations and needs to establish yourself in Wallonia.

Shared Mobility Rocks

Bremen Konsul-Smidt-Straße 26, Bremen, Duitsland

The (un)symposium about shared mobility organised by Mpact, and the City of Bremen! The 4th edition will be the final conference of the SHARE-North project. #SMR2022

Webinar – How to reach the end-user?


Communication strategy - eHUBS' successful uptake eHUBS are presented as a solution to reduce gas emissions since 25% of them come from the transport sector. However, is implementing shared mobility hubs enough to have an impact if no one uses them? Why and how to work for a successful uptake of eHUBS by end-users? Isn’t...

Mpact joins the ART-Forum final conference (and organises a workshop)

The ART-Forum Project goes out with a bang!

On 27 & 28 September, the transnational partners of the ART-Forum project will organize a 2-day event at UNIVERSUM® Bremen. Besides sharing insights and results of the project and letting you know, what really is important concerning automated mobility, Mpact will organize an interactive workshop where the participants will be challenged to create an automated solution for a fictional city.

Mpact @POLIS Conference 2022

The Egg Barastraat 175, Brussel, België

Once again, Mpact leaves its mark at the POLIS Conference. POLIS is the leading network of European cities and regions working together to develop innovative technologies and policies for local transport. The POLIS Conference takes place in Brussels on November 30th and December 1st. You can find Mpact in these sessions: 1B. TOWARDS DIGITAL MULTIMODAL...

The Pipe Shop 115 Victory Ship Way, North Vancouver, Canada

The (un)symposium about shared mobility organised by Mpact, and movmi! The 5th edition will take place in North Vancouver, Canada. #SMR2023